Why is retrieval practice so vulnerable to mutation?
In our 137th podcast, we interview Kate Jones, a history teacher who has recently returned to the U.K. after teaching in UAE. She is the author of several books on teaching …
Listen to the podcast (37 minutes)
- Does retrieval practice really work for practical subjects in the same way?
- How can retrieval be transferred into primary schools?
- The 4 core/ key elements that determine how effective retrieval is within a classroom.
- Examples of retrieval within the classrooms.
- Is retrieval practice a fad?
- What are some common misconceptions and mutations with retrieval in the classroom?
You can keep up to date with Kate’s work on her YouTube channel, talk with her on most social media channels and purchase any of her brilliant books!
Really enjoyed listening to this. Nice clarification of what is it, what it is not and some examples of how to (and how note to) practise it in the classroom. Thank you!
(Apologies for the typo! Note should be “not” – typed before rushing out the door at the end of the day (lols!)