Welcome to The 5 Minute Lesson Plan©

Cited as best practice (by the Department for Education), the 5MLP (genuinely) reduces teacher workload!

Tried, trusted and transformational, the 5MLP has been used by 4+ million teachers in almost every country worldwide!

million downloads
Time saved (years)
million happier teachers

Artificial Intelligence Version

Using tried and tested curriculum planning methods, blending the 5-Minute Lesson Plan template with ChatGPT uses strict and specific prompts to ensure teachers can use the 5MLP methodology to generate lesson plans in less than one minute! 

This is not a fad. The 5 Minute Lesson Plan was first shared with teachers in 2007 and has been developed continually for 15 years to adapt to lesson planning guidelines, academic research and curriculum thinking.

Ideal for reducing teacher workload, this creates a starting point document for developing lesson plans for interviews, cover lessons or for day-to-day planning.

Visit www.5minutelessonplan.co.uk to learn more; sign up for a FREE 14-day trial!


5 Minute Lesson Plan: PDF Version

Although the dialogue regarding lesson plans has shifted dramatically over the last decade, it is still a major burden for teachers, particularly new teachers to the profession. Some have a curriculum structure. Others have none.

The latest cognitive science informs this updated copy (2021) to help all teachers engineer good one-off lesson structures within a busy curriculum.

Watch this video demonstration

Lesson planning is a thought process, not a form-filling exercise for somebody else! The #5MinPlan will change working life!

Download your copy today...


Over 45 other templates!

Research Plan

The 5 Minute Research Plan

Assembly Plan


Staff Briefing Plan

Behaviour Plan

Podcast Plan

The 5 Minute Podcast Plan by @TeacherToolkit

Interview Plan

The 5 Minute Interview Plan by @TeacherToolkit (2018)