How has the behaviour become polarised, and why do some have the interests of some pupils at heart, not all?
Behaviour in schools is ‘good or better’ and has been fairly stable at 70-76 per cent over the last 10 years, EEF, June 2019.
The Education Endowment Foundation and their behaviour research published in June 2019, supports my recent work in schools across the U.K.; that 23 per cent of teachers and school leaders feel they lack confidence when it comes to managing behaviour and exclusions.
Isolation? Yes, and what then?
Having taught in challenging
Good to air this topic in a reasoned rather than hysterical way
The student teachers I work with are quick to point out the irony that that these exclusion or isolation rooms are frequently referred to as “inclusion rooms”. Surely a great example of the double-think common in our education system. Orwellian in the true sense of the word.
Reasoning doesn’t lead to good blog stats, but I’m happy to follow the evidence, even if it isn’t popular. The debate will keep going for a couple of years…
Your Blogs are so densely packed with valuable, timely, and engaging material. It’s the top of my list of must-view-media in Canada.
Thanks, Michael. I hope you are well.