The Power of Retrieval Practice
Reading Time: 3 minutes Does testing actually improve student memory better than studying?
All things on educational research and academic publication …
Reading Time: 3 minutes Does testing actually improve student memory better than studying?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Can retrieval practice really make a difference to long-term learning in the primary classroom?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Could artificial intelligence help students cheat their way through exams and qualifications?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Why do some students remember more details than others?
Reading Time: 2 minutes How does working memory influence classroom learning and behaviour?
Reading Time: 2 minutes How do we test students’ creative thinking internationally, and reliably?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you understand how the brain learns?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Is developing working memory in the classroom a waste of time?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Creative thinking is being tested in schools worldwide, but in England, it’s yet to become a curriculum priority. What could we gain by making it central to curriculum reform?
Reading Time: 2 minutes How do learners embrace the tough challenges to actually enhance learning?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Can robots really replace human teachers?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Are your students using the best study techniques to boost their achievement?