A small platform with a big voice...
@TeacherToolkit is a digital media platform for teachers, led by teachers., which has reached 19+ million readers worldwide. We currently support 250,000+ monthly active visitors.
Teaching since 1992, Ross Morrison McGill started blogging on this website in 2007 to share his classroom ideas. After 15 years writing @TeacherToolkit, the demand for his teaching wisdom has spread rapidly; this platform for teachers continues to grow!
Our small team empower all teachers to reduce their workload by accessing research-informed approaches to become more effective in the classroom.
With over 3,000 organic blog posts on the site, plus hundreds of podcasts and classroom resources, no aspect of school life is untouched.
TT holds a unique space in the education sector.
Meet the team
We are a small team that packs a big punch! Together, we have over 130 years of education experience ...
Ross, founder of TT and a former school leader, has 32 years of experience in education. He is on a mission to ensure teachers in North Korea access this site, reaching every country in the world!
Jenni is co-director of TT. She has 25 years of experience in education and is a former textile teacher. Jenni keeps our strategy ticking over!
Clair helps with all the pounds and pennies. She has 14 years of experience in MoD education; her military experience means there is no messing about!
Georgie drives all our influencer work. She has 10 years of experience in education; the scientist on the team and knows a thing or two about analytics …
Nigel has 17 years of experience in education and is growing our membership, supporting 4,500 teachers. He’s a history teacher at heart, so he always has a new website statistic that surprises us!
Lynn manages the development of editorial content and the site’s resources. She has 24 years of education experience and specialises in SEND and mental health.
Josh helps with our podcasts and has been working on and off with TT for 7 years. There’s nothing he cannot do with an audio file…
Allison is an experienced maths teacher and early careers mentor. She is our customer relationships manager, and has taught in Canada and the UK.
We are always looking for someone to join our team and help with our projects. We currently need a data manager, but not the kind of data a teacher is used to working with! It could be you? Get in touch …