What assessment strategies can teachers reduce workload and encourage students to take action?
Most teachers will be able to tell you that feedback matters, but few are sure about what type of feedback and what conditions make any feedback episode beneficial to learning or performance.
The number one tool for teachers
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of working with CENTURY – the number one tool I recommend to school leaders – which is an AI-powered teaching and learning tool that uses diagnostic functionality to identify the knowledge gaps and make recommendations to the student. Their AI software is superb at reducing teacher workload, particularly marking or admin, and provides ‘diagnostic assessment’ recommendations for students.
Over 800 people signed up to join a webinar with CENTURY – 5 formative assessment ideas I believe make a difference to teaching and learning and teacher workload.
5 practical ideas for teachers
In the session, I shared the available research on feedback and how it may shape teaching and learning pedagogy across a school or college institution. Ideas also shared included:
- Modelling takes up a large proportion of a teacher’s day, so developing a wide range of modelling techniques will optimise pupils outcomes, and reduce teacher workload.
- It’s important that all teachers develop a wide repertoire of questioning strategies!
- Whole-class feedback enables teachers to work smarter, not harder.
- We know feedback matters, but there are so many variables that determine its success.
- A closer look at the verbal feedback project I co-published with Mark Quinn Ross at University College London. This study unpicks why we assume written feedback is best…
Download the resource
You can download my 70-page A4 PDF resource shown in this webinar; inspired by Mark Plan Teach 2.0 research.
If you are not aware of CENTURY, it’s a software platform I recommend to all school leaders! They offer English, maths and science courses for Years 3-11 aligned to the national curriculum and personalise learning which is proven to increase student engagement and performance!
Formative assessment needs to be timely, manageable for the teacher, be meaningful to the student and motivate them to action that feedback, with or without the teacher.
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