What feedback techniques could you use that make students act on feedback?
There are a few days left before the end of half-term and feedback and marking will be required before the holidays begin. Why not try some of the following and avoid unnecessary marking in your own time.
Recently, I purchased The Sketchnote Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Notetaking by Mike Rohde; sourced to help develop my blogs and tweets into content that is more interesting and engaging for everyone. Take a look at some of my other blogs featuring
Hi Ross, Thanks again for a great and helpful blog post. I am happy to see you are trying sketchnotes (aka visual notes) as I have found them to be so useful for my own learning, recall and memory as well as to other teachers and students I have shared them with. I find incorporating visuals is a simple yet powerful way to instill information, knowledge and understanding. But I’m biased as I am an art teacher! There is a great post by Vicki Davis she shared on Twitter recently if you want to look into it further: http://bit.ly/1R2osKU and if you are interested in seeing some of the visuals I have made on educational topics, you can find them on Flickr: http://bit.ly/1PKEaI9 I’m still developing this skill both traditionally on paper and digitally on iPad. Hope you find this useful!
Hi Nicki- this is incredibly useful. I hope to develop a few more images over the half-term break. Thank you for the links = brilliant!
Happy to help in return for all the work you do! Mike Rohde’s book is a great place to start as he truly is the godfather of sketchnotes. Please do share your notes on Twitter!
I have Mike’s book. I’d be keen for you to sektchnote this if you fancy it? Just blogged 7 Traits of Effective Teachers.
I would love to! In fact I was just reading it and thinking it would be a good one to sketch!
Great – I was going to do it – but look forward to your interpretation. I’ll add it to the blogpost when complete. Thanks Nicki