The Challenges of Teaching Food Technology by @TeacherToolkit

Reading time: 2
shutterstock banana peel on white background food


Ross Morrison McGill founded @TeacherToolkit in 2007, and today, he is one of the 'most followed educators'on social media in the world. In 2015, he was nominated as one of the '500 Most Influential People in Britain' by The Sunday Times as a result of...
Read more about @TeacherToolkit

This is a blog for all design technology teachers, particularly food teachers. It is also useful for readers to know, that OfSTED has announced (page 65) that it will be inspecting and reporting on the health and wellbeing of all children in schools from September 2015.

Last weekend, I attended the 3rd Face-to-Face Food Teachers Conference, held at the University of East London.

food teachers centre The Food Teachers Centre is supported by a group of very experienced and high quality national and regional consultants and advisers, who offer training, advising and resource writing for food education in primary and secondary schools.

For the past two years, I have been invited to attend and work with 150+ food technology teachers from all over the country. This has been a real pleasure for me. You can watch the footage from last year, here. The Food Teachers Centre reflects the new style of the online communities we are all creating – sharing great ideas and innovative practice. They have a great Facebook page community over here.

In this blog, I discuss 5 challenges all food teachers face;

  1. Ingredient Provision
  2. Class Sizes
  3. Technician Time
  4. Bidding for Equipment
  5. Great Teaching.

In this resource, I present each idea, according to (my own version of) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for Food Technology (teaching/teachers).

Food Teachers Conference @TeacherToolkit CPDTweet this?


At the CPD event, each challenge was posed by me, before I handed over to the following guests;

  1. A system for Providing and Funding Ingredients that Works by Simon Gray.
  2. The Great Class Size Debate by Suzanne Gray
  3. Do PE Staff Clean the Showers? by Barbara Rathmill
  4. Making a Case for Small and Large Equipment by Julie Messenger
  5. Great Teaching in Food Technology; Teach Like a Champion, presented by myself.



Below is my presentation. You can download a copy by clicking the image. Before you do, please tweet this in return.

Food Teachers Conference @TeacherToolkit CPD



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You can follow @FoodTCentre on Twitter.

3 thoughts on “The Challenges of Teaching Food Technology by @TeacherToolkit

  1. Pingback: The Challenges of Teaching Food Technology by @TeacherToolkit | Uxbridge College Teaching and Learning

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