30 Simple Questions by @TeacherToolkit

Reading time: 3


Ross Morrison McGill founded @TeacherToolkit in 2007, and today, he is one of the 'most followed educators'on social media in the world. In 2015, he was nominated as one of the '500 Most Influential People in Britain' by The Sunday Times as a result of...
Read more about @TeacherToolkit

Are you the kind of teacher, you would want your own children to have?

I am in a reflective mood, after being involved in a coaching and mentoring training session this week. I promise to blog about this shortly…

In the interim, below is a question (apologies for no credit) I recently read on Twitter and soon posed thereafter, to an audience of 200 Food Technology teachers at the Food Teachers Centre on the 1st March 2014. In this very short blog – unusual for me  – I pose a series of reflection questions for parents; teachers and headteachers … and offer you my video presentation – on saving time and money – for your viewing pleasure.

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10 questions to ask every parent about schooling:

  1. Are you satisfied with your child’s school?
  2. Does your child enjoy their schooling?
  3. Are you [the parent] totally satisfied about the quality of teaching your child receives at their school?
  4. Are you totally satisfied about the progress your child is making?
  5. How do you know?
  6. Are the needs of your child met; academically; pastorally and socially?
  7. What does the school do, to develop your child to become a rounded individual?
  8. If you have any query, concern or a problem, can you contact the school in good faith?
  9. How can your role as a parent be improved to support the school?
  10. Would you recommend your child’s school to a friend?

10 questions to ask every teacher:

  1. What makes a good teacher?
  2. How do you know?
  3. How do you evidence this?
  4. Do you want to be a better teacher?
  5. What would your colleagues say about you?
  6. What would your students say about you?
  7. Are your students inspired?
  8. Do you consistently have high expectations for all students?
  9. Do you take every opportunity to develop literacy; numeracy and cross-curricular links?
  10. Are you up to date with current practice and expertise in your subject field?

10 questions to ask every headteacher:

  1. Does the school make regular contact will parents?
  2. How do you know?
  3. Does the school take the views of all parents into account?
  4. If the grumpiest of parents evaluated your school, what would they say? Why?
  5. What is the word on the ground? What would parents / members of staff say about your school?
  6. Does the school make regular contact – beyond appraisal – with individual members of staff? How do you know?
  7. What do you do, to recognise the contribution of individual staff members?
  8. Are all teaching staff given the opportunity to improve?
  9. Are all teaching staff given the time to meet; to discuss; to reflect?
  10. What part do your staff play, in achieving the aims of the school?

Food Teachers Centre:

There is a superb Food Technology Facebook Group for teachers. It is managed by Louise Davies; Founder of Food Teacher’s Centre, and a Lead Food Consultant D&T Association.


The Food Teachers Centre is a UK based self-help group, founded by Louise Davies in 2013 and is supported by experienced associates. It provides a platform to exchange best practice, give advice and support to less experienced teachers; answering practical concerns and keeping them abreast of the latest curriculum changes.

Food Teacher Centre Face to Face Event
Click to open content

Video / Presentation:

Below you can watch my full presentation to 200 Food Technology teachers who attended the Food Teachers Conference on Saturday 1st March 2014. This formed part of a training event organised by the Food Teachers Centre. I have offered this publicly, because of the reflective nature of my thoughts this week; including the question posed at the top of this blog.

  • To download my full Powerpoint presentation shown in this video, click here.
  • To watch my presentation, click the video below.

Please contact Louise Davies should you have any questions about this event … and more to follow soon, on The Importance of Coaching; Reflection and Feedback.

Further reading:

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