How do we manage pupils who swear?
Inappropriate language, bad language, abusive language, profanity… swearing has no place in our schools. But, you are going to hear it and you could well be on the receiving end of it. I won’t forget the first time I heard a year 6 pupil tell a teacher on playground duty to 'F-off'! The teacher was in tears, but the child loved the scene it caused and the thrill of the moment.
Pack The Language In
Swearing is commonplace in society and pupils hear it all the time. So, we shouldn’t be
Very good tips for a very real problem. As I often share it’s a challenge to control language when it has become increasingly pervasive and common in society. It’s a great lesson for students in knowing how to code switch and time and place.
I am having trouble with Cheerleaders who constantly use the anacronyms that stand for swears in a sports online chat the younger non-teacher coach set up. She is jealous and is passive aggressive in front of the Athletic Director and in emails however she sets a very bad example for the students using inaprolriate slang and refers to herself as a “gangsta”. When I remind the students to be careful of their language particularly in writing at the risk of school consequences she rudely dismisses me and this only fires up their use of profanity and especially the anacronyns for swears in a school chat line. The non-teacher coach didn’t even add me to this chat line for 2 years because she is intentionally keeling me out of the loop to undermine my success. I just found out the administrator didn’t even know she wasn’t a teacher. The admin try to avoid write ups as too many referrals make the school look bad. Hence, the students contibue using the swears and they are not even angry. No, it wasn’t a slip or a “my bad” moment. They typed it. They know that they are breaking the School honor code. What should I do? If I’m not on the chat I won’t know what is going on at all. If I’m on the chat line as a teacher I feel obligated to call these students out for using inappropriate language. Please help. This is tougher than swearing in the classroom. I can handle that when I see the students in person and manage their grades.
You’re very much on point here. Nonetheless, what if the class manager (teacher ) is the one using vulgar language in the class, what happens?