There are a few days left before the end of term and this is one last marking and feedback blog before the summer holidays begin.
What feedback techniques could you use that make students think and take action?
Marking has two purposes. One, students act on feedback and make progress over time. Two, it informs future planning and teaching. (Read more in our proposed Mark-Plan-Teach policy.) It is a dialogue between teacher and student. Teacher marking should be something that students use to understand and try to improve; the aim of effective marking is to
Number 13. Share your ideas about the purpose of marking with pupils. None of the above is worth doing if they don’t value it.
Simple but effective ! Thanks for sharing. We use LDQs (learning development questions) so students have to answer a specific question aimed at enabling them to put into practice the ‘ebi’ skills they have received feedback on to further improve.
Great ideas but I continue to struggle with marking- 23 classes per fortnight. RS lessons I per week and P4C once a fortnight. Little enough time for content and continual redrafting etc eats into curriculum time. Any ideas gratefully received…..
This is always tough for teachers who teach single periods and see so many classes. Something needs to give! If I could make one suggestion, it would be to build in as much peer and self-assessment into your lessons – disguised as curriculum content. There is no perfect solution.