
Guide To Questioning One-Pagers

Original price was: £10.Current price is: £5.

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Drawing upon website analytics, these ten one-page sketchnotes summarise the book Guide To Questioning. This resource will help teachers get to grips with some of the available research on effective questioning, the influences on cognition and how to improve the number one most used classroom intervention!

Designed to support busy classroom teachers, squeezing all 25,000 words into 10 bite-sized reads! This download includes the 11 PDF templates, a free audio introduction to the book Guide To Questioning, and a 20% discount code you will not find anywhere else.


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Date Created: 9th October 2023 SKU: Guide To Questioning-One-Pagers Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

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Questioning is a fundamental part of our professionalism as a teacher.

These ten cartoons provide a structured tour of questioning underpinned by recognised research. Rather than questioning becoming a last-minute thought, it is placed at the heart of the learning process with the opportunity for it to be one of the teacher’s most powerful strategies for teaching and development. This is not simply a ‘how-to’ guide’ but further explains the underlying reasoning, evaluates impact, and questions its significance.

You can find more information about ‘questioning influences’ inside the book publication. For now, this resource brings the research together in a simplified format.


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