What professional development opportunities are there for experienced teachers?
Our 129th interview is with, Haili Hughes, a former teacher, and current doctoral student at Glasgow University, head of education at IRIS Connect, and senior lecturer at Sunderland University.
Listen to the podcast (45 minutes)
In this podcast, listen to Haili and Teacher Toolkit founder, Ross McGill discuss:
- Haili describes her career path before starting teaching
- Tips for teachers that don’t conform to the ‘visual norm‘ of being a teacher
- Reasons why teachers leave the classroom
- The highs and lows of self-employed work
- Haili’s insights from visiting institutions across the country
- Moving into higher education and the associated challenges
- The difference between coaching and mentoring
- The origins of Haili’s book, ’Mentoring in Schools’
- Haili’s doctoral focus, teacher identity and,
- Tips on how to narrow a doctoral focus…
Watch the conversation?
I hope that I’ve provided some ‘alternate teens’ who are a bit like me, a role model: You don’t have to dumb down your light to shine.