How well do your pupils know their timetables?
Knowing your times tables is a maths non-negotiable for all pupils. Try these top tips for nailing times tables in your classroom.
1. Allocate time
Without regular dedicated time, learning of times tables will be limited, so if you’re serious about improving recall, get times tables timetabled!
2. Go slow to start
Pupils need to feel some level of success to be motivated so it might be necessary to slow the learning for children to feel like they’re ‘winning’. Ensure pupils understand what multiplication is.
3. Play, making practice enjoyable
Try using ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ programme or ‘Hit the Button’ online games and videos. Use nine-sided die to generate multiplication sentences and play matching games or snap with questions and answers on cards. Why not try some concept cartoons and develop oracy? Get hands-on too!
4. Test regularly
Low-stakes testing can help pupils with retention and help teachers to evaluate learning for misconceptions.
5. Celebrate progress
Keep times tables high profile by acknowledging and praising pupils’ efforts and achievements towards their goals.
Top Tip
Learning times tables with rapid recall means pupils can apply knowledge to other areas of maths, strengthening their ability to solve problems. Find ways for pupils to extend practice by learning times tables at home.