CPD Picks of The Week

Reading time: 2

Holly Gardner

Holly Gardner is TT Editor, as well as a Freelance Publisher. She has been working with @TeacherToolkit for over 6 years - since she published his first book in her role as Senior Commissioning Editor at Bloomsbury Publishing. Since then, she left her day job,...
Read more about Holly Gardner

What are the most-read blogposts of 2018 so far?

Finally the Easter holidays are here! Time to switch off and have a break and enjoy whatever weather ‘Spring’ throws at us in the next week!

Whilst we also encourage you to switch off and relax, you might also want to catch up on some reading at your own leisurely pace or have something to browse through to ease yourself back into the new term slowly towards the end of the holidays. So here are our top blogs of the year so far for you to enjoy – if you fancy it!

Top 10 blogs of 2018 so far

  1. 20 Years of Educational Fads – Over the past 20 years, what do you think teachers have wasted their time doing most?
  2. 9 Teaching Ideas To Bin in 2018 – What teaching ideas would you like to say goodbye to in 2018?
  3. Dear Parents – Do you believe your child’s teacher has lots of free time on their hands?
  4. The 5 Minute Lesson Plan – An must-have planning favourite.
  5. 5 Ways To Make Knowledge Stick – How can you prepare students for their exams?
  6. 10 ‘Teach To The Top’ Differentiation Ideas – How do you plan for differentiation in lessons? And how can you cater for every student?
  7. 10 ICT Pieces of Equipment For Every Classroom – If money was no option, what 10 ICT tools would you use in your classroom?
  8. The Teacher and the OFSTED Inspector – Should teachers shun marking piles and instead plan for a more meaningful work-life balance?
  9. Differentiation: What Works and Why? – How committed are you to differentiation?
  10. What Is Differentiation All About? – What does differentiation actually mean?

This will be our last CPD Picks for a couple of weeks as team TT are also taking some time off. Have a Happy Easter!

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