How do you prepare for leading school assemblies?
Starting out as a teacher, I was terrified at public speaking in assemblies and staff briefings. However, when starting out in middle leadership, I discovered I had no choice. I had to speak and present on behalf of my faculty.
Today, I'm glad to report, that I thrive on leading assemblies. But, it took some time to realise that there is a certain way to go about planning and presenting any information shared. Typically, assemblies are academically focused, ethos-related or personal to you or the school. Leading an
Arthur’s Story – Theme: Don’t give up, Never quit.
Fantastic story of a serviceman who had given up hope, until he found someone to believe in him.
Had the assembly in tears – in a good way!
Thanks. I’ll take a look.
Thanks Ross – am sure many assembly planners will find these resources really useful.
Like you, I remember how nervous I was taking my first assemblies (I was 25 and in the first post which gave me pastoral responsibility) but with time, experience and growing confidence I found I relished the opportunity to share something which had made me think and which I hoped might make others (pupils and staff) think, too. As a head, it’s an important platform for communicating your personal vision and values – it’s one way in which you make your mark as a school leader.