Optimus Education: “In the first of two articles, Ross Morrison McGill explains why attending a TeachMeet could be the finest CPD you’ve ever had…”
So, the chances are those (not on Twitter and reading this CPD Update newsletter) is that you’ve never heard of a Teach-Meet; but quite-possibly, you have heard of Twitter. Now…, before you discount this article and throw it the bin – just hold on a moment! If I told you after 20 years of teaching and after 5 years of school leadership, it is the best form of CPD I have ever experienced, would you believe me?
Not so long ago, I was a sceptic.
Not so long ago, I signed up to Twitter….
Not so long ago, I decided to create a professional Twitter account. Yes, two accounts!
Not so long ago, I shunned invitations to attend Teach-Meets.
Not so long ago, I attended my first ever Teach-Meet.
Not so long ago, I presented at a Teach-Meet.
Not so long ago, I organised my own Teach-Meet at my own school for 100 teachers across London.
What I’d like to do in this two-part article is outline what Teach-Meets are and how they can benefit your own CPD and the colleagues and networks around you. The follow-up article will discuss how to go about organising your own Teach-Meet event and promoting this to colleagues beyond your own institution…
Sorry! If you would like to read the rest of this two-part article, you will need to do so, by accessing this online at http://www.optimus-education.com/teachmeets-underground-revolution. (Publisher rights)
You will need a log-in and will also be able to read my other articles on this page.
All my own articles can be found here.
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