Effort vs. Output Matrix


This resource considers the effort invested in teaching ideas versus the impact on students. This download includes two blank templates to try.

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Date Updated: 8th February 2023Date Created: 2nd November 2022 SKU: Effort Output Matrix Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,

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This resource is designed for teachers and teams to reflect and evaluate what teaching ideas do or do not impact students.

Teacher workload is a continuous challenge.

Effective schools and colleges regularly reflect on strategies and systems within the organisation. This helps them to evaluate what is and what isn’t having an impact on students. In this resource are my suggestions – without context. Each idea could easily be moved somewhere else with an explanation or a consideration of how it would work in primary, secondary, and further education, or in an online school setting. Context is key.

Use the blank template for team meetings to reflect on what you currently do. I’ve also included the 5-Minute Workload Plan.


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