🎙️ Podcast 121: Bringing Film Into The Classroom

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Joshua McGovern

Joshua McGovern has been working with Teacher Toolkit since March 2018. He is responsible for our Soundcloud and iTunes channels and is the production manager for podcasts. He has a degree in Music Production and is a graduate of Leeds Beckett University. Aside from working...
Read more about Joshua McGovern

What role do mobile phones have in a media studies classroom?

Our 121st interview is with, Peter Holland an English teacher and lead teacher for film and media studies. Discover how Peter has accessed hundreds of film resources…

Listen to the podcast (30 minutes)

In this podcast, listen to Peter and TeacherToolkit founder, Ross McGill discuss:

  • The difficulties of students accessing media texts and resources during the pandemic
  • The challenges around assessing student work, particularly when a teacher doesn’t know what they’ve missed
  • The skills students learn from studying media and film
  • How mobile phones influence the teaching of media studies
  • The workload pressures of teaching English and dealing with the marking burden
  • The ease of designing lessons and accessing modern texts
  • Where and how Peter has used Into Film+ – a free* streaming platform – in his classroom
  • Why Into Film has empowered the school’s ability to run a film club prior to the pandemic, and
  • How Into Film aligns with curriculum and supports teacher workload.

Did you know, there are almost 8,000 IntoFilm Clubs in UK schools, providing over 800 resources for 5-19 year olds with 100,000 curriculum-based downloads.

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*Screenings of Filmbankmedia’s films for an entertainment or extra-curricular purpose require a Public Video Screening Licence (PVSL) from Filmbankmedia. State-funded schools in England are covered by the PVSL.  

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