How can all schools be supported to provide the technology our young people need?
Our 119th interview is with, Ben Mansell, UK Country Manager of Wireless Connectivity provider – Kajeet. Across the UK, 9 per cent of households do not have an internet connection.
Listen to the podcast (29 minutes)
In this podcast, listen to Ben and Teacher Toolkit founder, Ross McGill discuss:
- What digital exclusion is and how it can be resolved
- Kajeet’s white paper ‘The Impact on Digital Exclusion in Children’s Education 2021’
- Why 9 per cent of UK households are not digitally connected
- How Ben worked with computers and mobile technology in the early days of the technology
- How Kajeet supports schools and households
- Schools and parents balancing IT and technology provisions
- Kajeet’s ‘SmartSpot’ portable WiFi device and,
- How technology will evolve across education.
If we do not want our young people to be left behind, our government must provide better internet access to every household. This will ensure that no students are disadvantaged by online teaching.
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