Podcast 87: What Can We Do To Improve Safety Online?

Reading time: < 1
Dr Mary Aiken

Joshua McGovern

Joshua McGovern has been working with Teacher Toolkit since March 2018. He is responsible for our Soundcloud and iTunes channels and is the production manager for podcasts. He has a degree in Music Production and is a graduate of Leeds Beckett University. Aside from working...
Read more about Joshua McGovern

Why is cyberbullying a greater problem than real-world bullying?

Our 87th interview is with Dr Mary Aiken, author, professor and cyberpsychologist – specialising in criminal and deviant behaviour online – and why she would like to see teachers sit at the policy table.

In this podcast, listen to Dr Mary Aiken and Teacher Toolkit founder, Ross McGill discuss:

  • Discovering cyberpsychology, chatbots and artificial intelligence.
  • Why we need a safer, online space for everyone, particularly children
  • Explain ‘The Cyber Effect’ and motivation for writing the book of the same title
  • The need for academics to speak up and offer an opinion before all the research is done
  • Mary’s advice for parents regarding screen time and why eye-contact is critical, amongst other alarming findings
  • Safer technology, including bypassing parental controls (42M results), plus
  • Cyberbullying: Content (what is being said), the direction of the traffic and the frequency and interval
  • Online Harms White Paper published by the UK Government
  • Why the UK is the world-leader on safety-tech and the latest analysis from the government and,
  • Her top tips for researchers starting out in academia.
  • You can read more about Mary on her website, www.maryaiken.com

Listen to the podcast (34 minutes)

Remember, you can listen to our podcast on iTunes!

You can read my review of Mary’s book; predicting the future risks of society at large and what may happen if we do not take immediate action to regulate our social media use.


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