How To Develop Your Leadership Capability, Online

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NEON Leadership


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How can school leaders upskill during lockdown and beyond?

NEON Learning leadership development courses offer ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning with a constructed balance of activities that engage participants and stimulate research, reflection and discussion on the latest theory and government guidance.

In response to demand from schools, NEON Learning are now supplying a range of facilitated online courses on specific leadership topics. The courses focus on school improvement through leadership development. One current NPQH user said: “‘I looked forward to seeing the comments that the online facilitator had made, and they really prompted me to think deeper about my own opinions as well as those of others. They challenged my thinking in a safe environment and was very professional in views, comments and questions.”

I’ve taken a look inside their online portfolio of courses and offer my summary below.

NEON Learning

3 benefits of online learning for the teacher

  1. A flexible approach to learning; anytime, anyplace, anywhere – even abroad
  2. Participants are supported and challenged to reflect deeply on key school leadership issues
  3. Active facilitator throughout with built-in reflection to engage.

3 benefits of online learning for the school

  1. No costs for cover and very cost-effective
  2. A short and defined period of learning time with a big impact for the school
  3. Rapid leadership development, case studies and networking with other schools.

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How NEON Learning online courses work?

Once logged in, each user is provided with a personal portfolio, providing teachers with access to various courses. Examples include developing outstanding leadership, improving the quality of teaching and developing curriculum leadership. Each course has a welcome forum, an online facilitator and a bank of activities and resources. The online course takes each person through a range of activities and self-assessment exercises with the ability to pause for thought, reflect, evaluate and gather certification as part of your progress alongside an online network. Once allocated to an online facilitator, you and other colleagues can access all the resources, webinars and blogs.

NEON Learning is something a) I’d use myself as a school leader and b) offer as an online resource for the colleagues I’d support when I was a school CPD leader. What I really like is that various timestamps are offered to gain an overview of when you are taking place and how your progress compares alongside your peers. If you think this is something of interest, contact NEON Learning directly for more information about their leadership courses – prices are £117 per person, per course. Note, the content complements but does not replace the National Professional Qualification framework. All in all, leadership in an on-going, lifelong journey, so why not start next term?

NEON Learning is a not for profit organisation and one of the country’s foremost supplier of fully facilitated online courses to DfE providers.

One current NPQML trainee said: “‘With the current pandemic going on around us at the moment, I was concerned about this being a whole online course and was worried that without face-to-face meetings I would not gain much from this. However, the way this was setup, I have gained a lot from this course, have really developed my project and have a much clearer understanding of how I, as a leader, will be able to implement ideas into my school setting.”

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