What are teachers reading on this website?
With almost 11 million views, these are the top-10 blog posts read during 2019…
One must also consider analytics when trying to determine what content is popular and the factors associated with engagement. For example, I have more followers now than I did twelve months ago…
- 6 Teaching Ideas To Bin in 2019, published: 1st January 2019
- Curriculum Questions for Intent, Implementation and Impact, published: 17th June 2019
What Does Ofsted’s New Framework Say?, published: 20th January 2019
5 Things I Learned From Quitting Teaching, published: 14th January 2019
Retrieval Practice: The Rule of 3, published: 23rd September 2019
Leading Others Without Being An Asshole, published: 19th January 2019
Feedback Meetings: The End Of Marking?, published: 24th September 2019
What is Dual Coding Theory, published: 8th April 2019
Verbal Feedback Project: The Findings, published: 28th September 2019
10 Books For Your Teacher Bookshelf, published: 7th July 2019.
Of course, content, timing and ‘anyone’s guess’ is a reason for popularity, but the top-two posts suggest ‘what teachers have been searching’ for. As ever, ‘differentiation’ continues to be one of the greatest myths in our profession and one of the greatest needs of newly qualified teachers.
These blogs represent posts which have the highest engagement for content published less than 1 year ago.