Ofsted: New Education Inspection Framework!

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Ofsted Inspector

Hanna Beech

Hanna Beech has been teaching for ten years and has a range of experience across Key Stages 1 and 2 in a large Primary School in Kent. She is a phase leader for Years 3 and 4, and also leads on teaching and learning for...
Read more about Hanna Beech

Do you need a brief overview of some of the key points from the Education Inspection Framework (2019)?

Here are a few highlights to keep you in the school inspection loop – there will be no ‘deep diving’!

  1. The 4-point grading system lives on: outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.
  2. Inspectors will make graded judgements on the following 4 areas: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management.
  3. There is a focus on curriculum content and coherence, including the curriculum ‘intent, implementation and impact.
  4. Schools are being allowed a grace period of at least one year to create their curriculums in light of the new framework. If leaders can demonstrate ‘intent’ during an inspection, this will be taken into account when making a judgement.
  5. Short inspections (namely ‘Section 8 Inspections’) will span over two days. Although, ‘good’ small schools will avoid two days.
  6. Despite initial changes suggesting an on-site preparation visit a day prior to inspection, pre-visit preparation will actually consist of a 90-minute phone call with school leaders the day prior to a visit.
  7.  Among other topics, there are mentions of interest in the following: reducing workload for teachers, developing character in pupils, British Values, the point and use of internal data collection, reading, how bullying is handled and how the curriculum extends beyond the academic.

Why show an interest?

Whether your school’s inspection is imminent or recently over, maintaining an interest in how schools are inspected allows you to keep ‘in the know’ regarding how schools are being monitored. Tip: Read the full EIF with your team, allowing time for debate and reflection.

You can read our take on things here.

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