Do you lead whole-school teacher-training? Attend INSET days? Go on a course out of school? Then consider these CPD costs and effect-sizes (informal) on you and your school.
The article by Sam Ellis (ASCL's Funding specialist) published in Leader Magazine (December 2012), still resonates with me. So much so, I want to take his article, a little step further.
As highlighted in my post, The Universal Panacea for Christopher Waugh - otherwise known as
Well, I agree with your thesis, but your sums are hopelessly wrong.
Even if average salary was £23,010 (it’s far higher), you’ve thought of it all from the point of view of the employee. As an employer, I have to pay oncosts such as employers’ NI contribution etc which take it up to around £28,763 per annum. Releasing a teacher for an afternoon each week would cost me a tenth of this – that’s £2,876 per annum, or about £74 each week. Releasing a hundred teachers across the whole year for an afternoon a week would cost £287,600. That’s not a drop in the ocean. And then, I’ll have to answer regulatory complaints that I’m not providing the “recommended 25 hours of instruction” per week.
Still, it would be fine to run it on an irregular basis. Let’s hope the parents don’t get too teed off with picking up childcare costs.
All rectified. Note to self – do not try sums when multi-tasking at work.
Make the entire blogpost lack credibility. Oh well. It was worth the thought…
Even if the sums aren’t that favourable, I do have this feeling that internal CPD is the way to go. I know there are a lot of schools doing something similar to your suggestion even if it is not a full afternoon and not every week. I’m still eager to see the proposals you publish from contributors.
Taking another tack, 5 training days could be turned into ten training afternoons spread throughout the year, at a nominal cost of zero.
My CPD solution to share is:: I sometimes run external inset – recently received an email from a college assistant principal where I ran 3 half day insets – with follow up work for staff between session. They increased their Ofsted grade when inspected and the impact of the external cpd they had received was mentioned in the report as being key in improving the quality of T&L.
I think they felt it was very good impact. Sometimes you do need an external eye to highlight to staff different ways of doing things….
Twitter handle?: @realcbd