Social Media Is Damaging The Mental Health Of Pupils
Reading time, 2 minutes: Is social media is damaging the mental health of pupils?
Reading time, 2 minutes: Is social media is damaging the mental health of pupils?
Reading time, 2 minutes: Do you know anyone that is addicted to technology?
Reading time, 2 minutes: Can pupils use social media to revise?
Reading time, 5 minutes: Are children internet shrewd, safe and savvy?
Reading time, 4 minutes: When using social media, how can teachers protect themselves from damaging their career, or worse, losing their job?
Reading time, 5 minutes: This is a second guest post from two sisters and social media lovers, campaigning to help improve e-safety standards in schools.
Reading time, 4 minutes: At the BETT Show on Friday 23rd January 2015, I met two very interesting eSafety champions.