Text Mining: An Evaluation of 17,000 Ofsted Reports
Reading Time: 3 minutes What if the general public could understand school inspection trends?
Reading Time: 3 minutes What if the general public could understand school inspection trends?
Reading Time: < 1 minute How do we develop the next generation of school leaders?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Is the inspection ‘fear narrative’ out of proportion claims OfSTED’s chief, Amanda Spielman?
Reading Time: 3 minutes What new policies and procedures may be forged in the twelve months ahead?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you think you know everything that has happened in education this academic year?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you agree with Michael Wilshaw, that we face the biggest changes to school inspection in the last two decades?
Reading Time: 5 minutes Over the course of the past 18 months, the grass-roots Twitter-channel of @SLTchat has slowly made its voice heard in the echelons of those that sit above us in the educational-hierarchy. As a result, recently I posted how the social-media epoch is out-dating Ofsted and The Department for Education. As a result, I have been […]
Reading Time: < 1 minute Will the New Year bring in new reforms from Oftsed, and hope for teachers?
Reading Time: 4 minutes The article was published in The Guardian Teacher Network here, on 27.6.13. When a teacher who has been judged to “require improvement” asks for advice I always caveat it by saying that I can only offer the benefit of my own experience and a listening ear. But regardless of criteria, I do still remain vexed […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes On Tuesday 7th May 2013, as a direct result of a Twitter-troll – I was invited to The House Of Commons in Westminster. There are some benefits resulting from an attack of a Twitter-trolls… This is one of them!