5 Teaching Myths That STILL Trip Up Teachers!
Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you teaching based on myths or science?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you teaching based on myths or science?
Reading Time: < 1 minute What are the top-10 blogs read on this website at any point in time?
Reading Time: 5 minutes What books are on your reading list?
Reading Time: < 1 minute Is collecting data the biggest waste of teacher time?
Reading Time: < 1 minute Are book-looks dangerous and unreliable?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Are you a fan of using textbooks?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Have your students come to rely on iPads?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you write detailed lesson plans?
Reading Time: < 1 minute What were the most-read blogs over the last 12 months?
Reading Time: 12 minutes What was the last bandwagon you jumped on?
Reading Time: 7 minutes Can teachers actually meet the needs of all their students?
Reading Time: 9 minutes Over the past three decades, what fads do you think teachers have wasted their time doing the most?