School Leadership Workload Overview


A resource designed for school leaders to get a sense of their workload and any pinch points over the forthcoming term and/or academic year. A SENDCo example is also included in this simple 5-page PDF file, with one editable template.

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Date Updated: 27th February 2023Date Created: 25th May 2022 SKU: School-Leadership-Overview Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

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Use this resource to produce an overview of what tasks you undertake on a regular basis. This is useful for:

  1. Discovering where all your time goes/identifying pinch points
  2. Having conversations about workload with line managers
  3. Planning ahead, delegating, plus to focus on more strategic tasks
  4. Reflecting on work-life balance

Inside the resource, there is an editable file; please amend it to suit your setting. You will find a generic leadership example on page 3 and a SENCO example on page 4. You could also add the amount of time these activities take to the document and compare it to the amount of time in your working week…



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