Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
This is a simple 2-page PDF calendar to provide a platform to create your own monitoring, evaluation and review calendar. This supporting blog post provides more details.
The template does not have everything recorded. It should offer guidance in terms of structuring whole school priorities by calendar month. The devil is in the details in terms of how the strategy is deployed and the quality of the school leaders who conduct the evaluation…
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There may be a desire to evaluate anything and everything. For some schools, the may have a calendar of evaluation activities that see tasks, resources and staffing thinly stretched. In poor cases, the activities lead to no reporting or actual school improvement. Worst still, evaluation only involves those driving school improvement and its aims, not a whole-school sustainable approach…
If done well it contributes to teacher development, if done badly, it’s a reason why many teachers leave a school and for some, leave the profession.
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