Just Great Marking


This resource offers 10 marking and assessment ideas. This download includes a range of templates, provocations, a walk-through video, editable slides and an optional professional development webinar. If schools can consciously alter their approaches to written feedback, they can dramatically reduce the marking burden for teachers.

Who wouldn’t want to work in a school like that?

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Date Updated: 27th February 2023Date Created: 1st January 2021 SKU: just-great-marking Category: Tags: , , , ,

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All teachers struggle with the marking load at some point in their career; it’s an occupational hazard, and my travel to schools across the world highlights that it is still the number one issue for all teachers, regardless of setting. School leaders must work hard to reduce the burden as well as reshape the narrative of marking, assessment and feedback.

Assessment, feedback and marking form a crucial part of every teacher’s daily routine, regardless of their experience, the subject they teach, or their students’ ability and age range. The importance of high-quality feedback has been evidenced by many academic studies, particularly supported through retrieval practice as a mechanism for improvement.

We know there is a need for greater research in the area of teacher workload to help alleviate the burden. This is not to reduce the role of the teacher and some of the key things that all teachers should do. Still, we need to think very carefully about what is effective and how marketisation has increased accountability and workload.

I hope this researched resource helps support you and your colleagues.


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