Evaluating Research-Led Culture


Developing a school research evidence culture is a necessary factor in enabling teachers to thrive. This is difficult to achieve in a demanding profession, but it is not impossible. This resource helps evaluate current research to help adopt the methodology to use in your own work.

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Date Updated: 6th June 2021Date Created: 1st June 2021 SKU: Research-Led-Culture Category: Tags: , , , , ,

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Developing a school research evidence culture is a necessary factor in enabling teachers to thrive. This is difficult to achieve in a demanding profession, but it is not impossible. “Research shows that the strongest evidence cultures are associated with dedicated time across staff groups; open learning cultures; high levels of research engagement across the school; strong, prioritised support structures” (DfE, 2017).

Highly engaged schools have all staff engage in research, with an expectation that some staff beyond the SLT engage in research outside of their organisation to drive school improvement; focused on promoting awareness of research and how to use evidence to develop teaching and learning in the classroom.


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