Curriculum Planning


These questions are designed to support curriculum planning and reflection and are not ‘the’ questions that must be asked, but may support teachers to think more deeply about their curriculum and how it aligns with other teachers and subject teaching across the school.

This is a 3-page PDF file.

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Date Updated: 27th February 2023Date Created: 23rd June 2019 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , , ,


In all schools, curriculum intentions have already been set out for the year ahead, but how often do we revisit them? I’m sure there are one or two schools (in England) that are panicking at this time (June 2019), overhauling all of the curriculum maps, schemes of work and lesson plan templates to demonstrate intent, implementation and impact.

The question is, why?

Curriculum thinking should be regular, and a professional dialogue between teachers, teams and colleagues in other schools. Whether we can evaluate a curriculum in a matter of days is another question, but this resource is shared to support those who are revising curriculum plans and schemes of work.

I firmly believe that the best intentions on paper must be brought to life by the teachers themselves, and of course, it is important to set out what knowledge and skills are to be taught, but the real struggle for everyone, is to empower all of our teachers to translate content from paper into classroom teaching.

Wherever you are on your journey, these questions are shared to stir your thinking.


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