What would an alternate for Ofsted be?
Our 134th interview is with Geoff Barton, the general secretary for the Association of School and College Leaders. Geoff is a fomer English teacher and school head teacher …
In this podcast, listen to Geoff and Libby, Teacher Toolkit podcaster discuss:
- The advice Geoff would give his 16-year-old self.
- The current curriculum and how we can reform the current GCSE curriculum.
- The ideal key stage 3 curriculum and assessment provision
- How to support teachers in managing their workload.
- Is there an alternative to Ofsted and what could this look like?
- Plus, Geoff’s advice for early career teachers …
Listen to the podcast (40 minutes)
- If you are a school leader in the UK, you can join ASCL.
- If you know Geoff well, you may be on his Christmas mixed-tape list!