How can teachers reduce the time spent writing end of year reports, and improve their quality?
Teachers report spending 35+ hours per year producing written reports, collecting data and reporting to parents and carers. That’s 5 full working days (at least)! This could be the time for schools to do things differently…
Do you know what impact a school report has?
Although reporting to parents is a statutory obligation, the vast majority of teachers remain frustrated with how their school approaches the end of year report. This is why Learning Ladders software has revolutionised this task for teachers. The task is automated and saves a great deal of time; providing an accessible and time-effective way of generating dynamic, perfectly formatted and meaningful end of year reports for pupils and parents.
Now, doesn’t that sound much easier?
Free reporting access!
Learning Ladders are kindly offering free use of their platform during the COVID-19 lockdown, offering welcome relief to teachers struggling to construct and deliver the same standards of feedback the would normally produce.
5 Reasons To Improve Parental Engagement
All-encompassing, this classroom software does not only decrease workload whilst outputting branded and high-end reports, but also streamlines classroom assessment tracking against the curriculum. As a result, the 5 benefits are:
- Parents receive highly personalised feedback for their child
- Support during a period of lockdown and remote teaching
- Access to dynamic portfolios of work
- Each report is published directly to each parent as a PDF file
- The report when viewed online can be translated into ~107 languages
Is it time to reform how schools report to parents?
On my travels, I have seen some innovative approaches in our schools. However, during lockdown as schools shift their focus from online support towards recruitment and assessments, I wonder how many have considered completing reports and doing things differently in the long-term? Think about it for a moment. Lengthy written reports to parents and carers, however, they are collected, are usually burdensome for teachers to produce, and worse, most schools have no idea if parents and carers are actually reading the reports.
Whilst some schools catch up, I have been promoting the use of video and voice dictation as an alternative to the traditional written report. Schools should remember that the statutory duties on what schools must report to parents and carers are relatively lean, so post-lockdown, this could be the time to do things differently.
Book a demonstration with Learning Ladders.
As the report period looms, Learning Ladders can brilliantly ease the distant learning struggles teachers are trying to cope with whilst easing workload.
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