Podcast 38: Why Can Quitting Make You A Better Teacher?

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Quit Job

Joshua McGovern

Joshua McGovern has been working with Teacher Toolkit since March 2018. He is responsible for our Soundcloud and iTunes channels and is the production manager for podcasts. He has a degree in Music Production and is a graduate of Leeds Beckett University. Aside from working...
Read more about Joshua McGovern

Why can quitting teaching make you want to be a teacher even more?

Our 38th interview on the Teacher Toolkit podcast is with Andy Milne, a Brit living and teaching overseas. Andy has been teaching for 23 years and currently teaches Health and P.E in a North West suburb of Chicago.

In this episode you can hear Andy and Teacher Toolkit Editor, Holly Gardner:

  • talk about the influence Vic Goddard had on his early career
  • discuss why he gave up teaching – and why he went back again
  • share the tips he would give teachers who are considering leaving teaching
  • explain why teachers understanding their students’ aspirations is so important
  • discuss the differences between teaching in the UK vs America
  • describe what education without standardised testing looks like
  • express the importance of community being reflected in schools

Remember, our podcast is available on iTunes!

You can find out more about Andy Milne on Twitter and read his blog #slowhealthchat. Find out about his project Send A Teacher here and be sure not to miss the post he wrote for Teacher Toolkit called 5 Things I Learnt From Quitting Teaching.

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