How can we encourage girls to play traditionally male-dominated sports?
Our 12th and 13th interview for the 100 Women series is with Daisy Gardner and Becky Kenneally, teachers at The Piggott School. Becky is a PE teacher, Head of Year 9 and shares the role as head of Key Stage 3. Daisy Gardner is also a PE teacher and Head of Year 7.
In this episode, you can hear Becky, Daisy and Teacher Toolkit editor, Holly Gardner:
- express the value of having passionate sportspeople teaching young girls
- humbly tell of their sporting accolades and career highlights
- describe the challenges they faced playing male-dominated sports and the behaviour of young boys in class
- highlight the importance of delegation, in managing your own time in a leadership role
- share their behaviour management tips
- discuss how bonding with students outside of class can reduce behavioural issues in students
- name their 4 female role models and why they are such positive influences on female body image.
Holly says: “This podcast is full of practical tips and advice – from behaviour management, workload, managing a middle leadership role and how to be a strong woman! Don’t miss it!”
You can follow Daisy on Twitter here and Becky on Twitter here.
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