Intensely Pragmatic

Reading time: 2
shutterstock_282098846 Concept image of Business Acronym TIP as THEORY INTO PRACTICE written over road marking yellow paint line.


Ross Morrison McGill founded @TeacherToolkit in 2010, and today, he is one of the 'most followed educators'on social media in the world. In 2015, he was nominated as one of the '500 Most Influential People in Britain' by The Sunday Times as a result of...
Read more about @TeacherToolkit

Are you resilient enough to stay in the classroom?

Following recent reports that 40% of teachers leave teaching before completing their first five years, my new book – one I am very proud of – offers a range of strategies and ideas to encourage teachers to stay in the classroom. Below is a review offered (without asking) from David Cameron (@RealDCameron).

‘Ross McGill is a phenomenon. His energy is remarkable, but it is allied to an astonishing willingness to share and to make a difference across schools and for young people. He has tremendous common sense and is intensely pragmatic. His default position is “find out what works, test and validate that and then share it as widely as possible” and that is what we really need right now. He is also a very talented person – an excellent presenter, an engaging presence, a remarkable networker and a very skilled practitioner. Anyone in education would be short-sighted not to read his book, access his website, follow his twitter feed and find a way of engaging with him in person.’

the real David Cameron

David Cameron; presenter, trainer, consultant – all areas in education and children’s services.

Book Launch:

Thank you David. I hope this book can withstand the pressures imposed by DfE and Ofsted, especially for our up and coming teachers. Teaching is a wonderful career and we must remain resilient and support one another.

shutterstock_190486160 weight crushing quail's egg symbolising strength, resilience

Image: Shutterstock

There will be 1,000 limited editions printed in hardback. I’ve been asked to sign them all, so I may as well enjoy being an author for a moment. There will be also be a book launch party this week! Selfies to follow …

I am a firm believer, that if I can write about despite living with some of my literacy demons as an adult/teacher, then so can you. Writing a book and blogging online is by far the best way to address literacy.

If you fancy buying a copy, the release date is Thursday 24th September 2015; you can pre-order in two key places:

  1. Bloomsbury if you want a copy directly from the publishers – and first!
  2. or Amazon if you would like to keep purchases easy, but rely on a 3rd party for delivery. They essentially purchase books from the publisher.

QR interactivity:

QR CodeYes, the book includes QR codes that you can scan from your handheld devices. This enables the reader to find more information immediately. I hope readers find this a useful addition to reading ‘just a book.’ In the lead up to the book launch this week, the team at Bloomsbury Education have produced a few one videos taken from content in the book. Here is one anecdote I share; marking in the broom-cupboard! Check out this video.

Interactive Cover:

Click below to interact with the book cover and find exclusive video content … click here to look inside the book.


Thanks for reading this and if you do purchase the book, I hope it a) inspires you to become/remain a teacher and b) write your own book.


@TeacherToolkit logo new book Vitruvian man


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