Learn About Memory


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Teachers are curious about memory but often don’t know where to start.

This file contains a PDF resource pack and set of slides/ideas you can edit for yourself. There is a short webinar which has been filmed to meet demand and bring the content to life… This will help teachers learn more about memory methods and how you can adapt the ideas back in your place of work and improve your teaching, as well as your pupils’ potential.

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Date Updated: 1st September 2020Date Created: 29th March 2020 SKU: Memory Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


This resource provides teachers with an intermediate overview of memory. That ‘learning is a process that leads to change’ and that teachers must figure out what is stored in pupils long-term memory and then manage instruction to maximise memory potential. Teachers who understand memory better = better teachers and students who understand how they learn = learn better.

If we don’t share this knowledge, it becomes a social justice issue and the more information (prior knowledge/cultural capital), the more information can be recalled = The Matthew Effect. In this resource, I give you want I have learned to help teachers get started…




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