🎙️ Podcast 115: Teaching ‘Outside The Box’

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Joshua McGovern

Joshua McGovern has been working with Teacher Toolkit since March 2018. He is responsible for our Soundcloud and iTunes channels and is the production manager for podcasts. He has a degree in Music Production and is a graduate of Leeds Beckett University. Aside from working...
Read more about Joshua McGovern

How can teachers innovate and do things differently?

Our 115th interview is with, Rachel Higginson, teaching for over 20 years as a primary school teacher and senior leader. Today Rachel works as a Creative Education Consultant, focusing on school improvement and curriculum development.

Listen to the podcast (26 minutes)

In this podcast, listen to Rachel and Teacher Toolkit founder, Ross McGill discuss:

  • Rachel HigginsonRoutes through university and into teaching
  • The Finding My Voice project
  • Rachel’s focus on meeting new people during the pandemic
  • The challenges of being self-employed
  • The responsibilities and challenges of education today
  • The one change Rachel wants to see in education
  • Disruptive innovation, and
  • Advice for teachers that want to go freelance.

School leaders are so used to working at such a high pace. Taking time out to look, listen and feel; stepping back is so powerful.

You can follow Rachel on Twitter and find out more about her work on her website.



4 thoughts on “🎙️ Podcast 115: Teaching ‘Outside The Box’

  1. Just listened to Ross McGill talking to Rachel Higginson. Needed some courage and this has certainly given me inspiration to follow my dream. I feel I have so much to offer education but have just experienced a very difficult period in my career that I have questioned whether to walk away. I am frustrated with not being heard so I am going to do something about it and follow my consultancy dreams. Thank you Rachel and Ross.

  2. Really interesting to hear what there was to say! I feel it is important as teachers to be heard and to be more expressive as we want to give back to the students.

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