How Incentivising Writing Can Transform Learning Loss

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How will you measure learning lost and progress throughout this school year?

Leaders are calling for data to be used to benchmark learning loss and monitor progress made throughout this very different school year

As students return to school this month, teachers will be greeted with a wide range of capabilities and progress among their pupils. WriQ can assess learning loss accumulated over time spent away from the classroom.

It’s a robust benchmarking tool for fair marking and delivering comparable insights on writing level by school, year group, or class level.


4 Reasons To Use WriQ

  1. Teachers have gone above and beyond to try and support their students’ learning through this strange time. Yet, sadly, some pupils simply do not possess the resources at home to facilitate the same number of learning opportunities and support as in class. WriQ can help recover this loss.
  2. Teachers will face pressures to make up for the lost time and cover the curriculum in a reduced time-frame, fill unpredictable gaps in learning, help students re-establish learning behaviours and recover the ‘learning habit’. The data captured helps assess students’ starting points, target resources and guide curriculum.
  3. A motivational tool that incentivises writing, allowing students to get back in the way of learning quickly. Just as a fitness watch quantifies movement, the onscreen WriQ widget for students makes writing more fun and gives pupils a sense of agency over their learning.
  4. Pupils receive immediate feedback on their writing as they type, improving their ‘WriQMeter’.


WriQ can help minimise the negative impact the pandemic may have on students progress. Sign up to try WriQ for free.

WriQ for Students

  • Closes the feedback loop by giving students access to instant feedback on their writing, without relying on teacher intervention.
  • At a glance, each student can visualise their writing progress in real-time.
  • Students can track their own progress and work towards goals and achievement badges, incentivising the writing process.

WriQ for Teachers

  • Reduces your workload by removing subjectivity and manual time spent marking assignments.
  • Enables you to give meaningful, personalised feedback, to improve student confidence and achievement.
  • Helps to assess spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) by immediately identifying errors. The SPaG score is calculated and added to the WriQ dashboard, making progress stats easily accessible.

WriQ for School Leaders

  • Provides a standardised benchmark for fair marking and delivers comparable insights on writing level to help to identify requiring additional support.
  • Gives an overview of whole-school progress, including the amount of words written, average WriQ score, accuracy and more.
  • Allows comparison of achievements with national averages.

Sign up for a free trial and start using WriQ; a tool which can support both teachers and students through this challenging time.

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