How can alternative provision be delivered to pupils, online?
Teachers have made heroic efforts to deliver lessons online during the Covid-19 pandemic, but those offering alternative provision to children with complex needs face particular challenges.
As a profession, we have seen growing numbers of young people suffering from anxiety disorders that, in the most severe cases, have stopped students being able to attend school. We have also witnessed a gradual reduction in mental health services and support as budgets have been cut. This has left teachers and school leaders in the unenviable position of struggling to meet the needs of anxious students just as demand for professional support grows.
This was the picture before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the health emergency has only made the situation worse. Teachers and schools are under incredible pressure to deliver online learning, in most cases from scratch, and the mental health of everyone is being tested as never before. For students with existing anxiety disorders and mental health issues, and the teachers responsible for their education, the situation is especially worrying.
How can pupils be supported?
Fortunately, there is help out there. Academy 21 is an online alternative provider with a track record of offering targeted, professional support to students who can no longer attend school because of wellbeing or behavioural issues.
- Do some students with complex needs, for instance, actually, blossom in online learning?
- What factors should teachers who oversee AP provision be mindful of during lockdown?
- Are there special skills teachers need to teach more effectively in online environments?
- What specific advice is available on ideal student numbers, screen engagement and synchronous tools?
How does virtual Alternative Provision work?
What kind of students tend to benefit and what teachers in all institutions, regardless of intake, can do to make their online lessons more engaging and effective.
To find out more about how Academy 21 could help your school and students with online AP please visit
Academy 21 is uniquely placed to offer advice for teachers to support students with anxiety and behavioural issues and help school leaders offer a more effective online learning experience.
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