Inclusive Teaching Checklist

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Daniel Sobel

Daniel Sobel MA Ed (Psychology) FCMI FCIC FRSA is the Founder and Lead Consultant of Inclusion Expert. An internationally respected leader in inclusive education, he has advised the Department for Education, the European Union and governments abroad. Daniel is a well-known speaker, and has written...
Read more about Daniel Sobel

How can you tell if you’ve maximised inclusion in the classroom?

This resource is an Inclusion Checklist to use in your classroom to ensure your classroom is as inclusive as it can be.

It is split into four sections over four pages, allowing you to focus on a particular area:

  1. Whole class teaching
  2. Group and independent work
  3. The role of additional adults: whole class
  4. The role of additional adults: group and individual work

Why is it useful?

We make a lot of effort to include all our students and it is just great to check our practice against a quite authoritative list. This checklist can be particularly useful for newer teachers and those who have taken on a class with some significant SEN.

Who is it for?

This can be used by either a teacher themselves or by a line manager.

How do I use it?

  • Do a self-evaluation or get a peer to do one for you.
  • If you are a line manager/head of Key Stage or Department, use it to work with your group of teachers.
  • Some of the best applications of this resource is when SENCOs use it to help support teachers in their practice – key word here being “Support”!
  • The checklist is just a rough guide and we believe that you need to be able to flex and adapt to the needs of your students so don’t be rigid about this.

Download the resource

Click on the image below to download the full-four page resource.

This resource was created by Inclusion Expert who has worked with over a thousand schools to help them improve inclusion for every child.

It is important to develop collaborative action plans and training for senior school leaders to help continue their work to achieve sustainable change.

2 thoughts on “Inclusive Teaching Checklist

  1. Hello
    I love this Inclusive Teaching Checklist. I am a secondary SENDCo and looking for something to use as training with our teachers. I can see that much of the checklist is applicable to secondary but wondered whether you have a specific resource for this?
    Kind regards

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