The Intervention Record

Reading time: 2

Helen Woodley

Helen Woodley is a primary trained SENDCo currently working in a large KS1-4 Pupil Referral Unit in the North East of England. She spent 3 years studying Theology in Durham; Helen has worked in a wide variety of special school settings, including all age schools....
Read more about Helen Woodley

How can you support staff in leading an intervention?

This Intervention Record helps staff be clear about the aims and outcomes of a student intervention.

Part of the role of the SENCO is to manage the school’s provision map of SEN support. I have found this record to be really useful for helping staff leading interventions to be clear about not only what the aim of the whole intervention is, but also the outcome for each specific learner. At the beginning of a new year (or a new intervention) I set each record up and complete all of the top boxes ready for the staff member to add the pupil information in. Initially, there was a degree of support needed but staff quickly focused on learner need and less support has been required over time. I keep a rolling log throughout the year with new learners being added as needed.

What are the benefits?

I have found that by using the record, staff have a better awareness of where their intervention fits in with the bigger picture of what is happening at school. Equally, it has enabled them to understand how it fits in with the specific area/s of SEN it is targeting. It has helped to give our interventions greater focus and keep them fresh as each learner is kept in mind. I encourage staff to look at their record sheet before each session as a way of focusing in on the young people. It is also a beneficial tool for sharing information with SLT giving them a snapshot of what a particular intervention is at a glance; this has been useful in a very dynamic and busy school when the head has lots of plates to juggle!

Staff who are responsible for writing SEN Support Plans can also find it beneficial to use the information on the intervention records to add depth to their plan so that they can write about interventions they do not lead with confidence. These records are stored in an open-access file on our server and they feed directly into the SEN and Additional Needs Register. Staff email me if their record has been updated and I can then make changes to the whole school record as needed.

Download the template

Intervention Record

For external audiences, I was able to show the different levels of support we offered quickly and the feedback from the inspector was positive!

This is the second of part of two intervention resources from Dr. Helen Woodley. Read part 1: Iceberg Analysis.

4 thoughts on “The Intervention Record

  1. Do you have any advice for an intervention record for non SEN pupils. Just about to start an intervention post for y5 & 6 and want a comprehensive record that can be shared with their teachers. It’s a middle school so it’s not as easy as a standard primary. Think I could alter this one, but thought it was worth asking.

    1. For what it’s worth, I would advise you to keep it simple. Use Helen’s and her Iceberg template. The most important thing is what you do not what you record. simplicity allows you to spend more time on the why, how and what you do and when to move on, rather than trying to be too detailed.

      Good luck with the job and, should you need anything else, try the for great resources.

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