One year ago, to this day, I was given that devastating news that rocked my career. My position had been identified for redundancy! You can read more about this here.
I left school that day, after the staff meeting, feeling like I’d just received a family bereavement and duly knowing what decision I was going to make… I couldn’t look any of my colleagues in the eye as I left for the staff car park at 3.30pm for the first time in a decade!
One year later, to this exact day, at my new place of work, I sat down with my new Headteacher for a review meeting. For those of you who didn’t know, or those who haven’t been watching my leadership journey, I’ve been on a temporary contract from October to April. Today, I had my position confirmed; my salary reviewed; my CPD heightened and realigned, as well as a affirmation of who I am, in the context of school and education leadership.
I am back on track. I am a wanted man. I am highly motivated and thriving working with students, parents and my colleagues.
Today was a great day, it was hectic, challenging and rewarding. I could say much more, but I’m just going to leave this post here…
Each academic year, about 2 or 3 days before February half-term, this date will always hold a special place in my memory, for all the right reasons…
– Posted by @TeacherToolkit