3 Reasons To Get Motivated at WorldSkills UK LIVE

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WorldSkills UK LIVE


Ross Morrison McGill founded @TeacherToolkit in 2010, and today, he is one of the 'most followed educators'on social media in the world. In 2015, he was nominated as one of the '500 Most Influential People in Britain' by The Sunday Times as a result of...
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Are you a teacher who wants to get your students excited about their futures?

WorldSkills UK LIVE is a fantastic opportunity for students, especially those who struggle academically or come from disadvantaged backgrounds, to find out what careers are out there. To register, and to see a full list of exhibitors and events, visit: WorldSkillsUK.LIVE

Planning for the future…

Motivation changes everything. For a lot of students, the future seems a long way off… When do they start to think about what it could look like? How do students who struggle academically, or those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, plan ahead?

It can seem uninspiring and grey. After all, imagination requires us to draw on experience. If you’ve never been far from home, and the only professions you’re aware of are those of your family and friends, it can be hard for students to paint a picture of their future that they aspire towards and begin to understand what knowledge and skills are required.

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To register, visit: WorldSkillsUK.LIVE – there are travel bursaries available for eligible schools.

1. Free to attend!

As a result, this is why free-to-attend events like this are so important. WorldSkills UK LIVE features careers advice, hands-on-skills and opportunities to speak to and hear from hundreds of exhibitors from multi-national and local companies, training organisations, colleges and universities.

Teachers can watch their students try out television production, forensics, demolition, floristry or even 3D modelling with the Harry Potter virtual-effects team. They can watch talks designed to introduce them to creative arts, career options, and insiders’ perspectives on a dizzying array of careers.

2. Career opportunities

If something hits home, there are even opportunities to apply for live and future apprenticeship positions or vacancies. Teachers can see their students’ horizons expand, in real-time, and observe as they begin to develop new interests and ambitions. From a teacher’s perspective, it couldn’t be easier to help students get one step ahead.

3. Resources

Free lesson plans and videos help teachers to prepare students and plan for the event, and those attending can bring back the skills and materials to boost your school’s careers offerings which help meet the Gatsby benchmarks. Therefore, once students are happily immersed in the activities, teachers can then investigate the Teachers Hub for coffee, professional development opportunities, and networking.

With new experiences, your students will be able to broaden their imagination and ambition. WorldSkills UK LIVE is a chance to support your students as they translate their natural skills, energy and interests into a career they’re excited to work towards.

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