War Boards

Reading time: 3
shutterstock_272245379 Chess. White board with chess figures on it. Plan of battle.


Ross Morrison McGill founded @TeacherToolkit in 2010, and today, he is one of the 'most followed educators'on social media in the world. In 2015, he was nominated as one of the '500 Most Influential People in Britain' by The Sunday Times as a result of...
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Is student data useful if you can’t see it and take action?

If you put data in a filing cabinet, you don’t see it again until the end of the year when you have a clear-out! As with most of the work we do in schools, we need a constant reminder of our goals.

Class Charts are pleased to announce the arrival of their newest feature, ‘War Boards’.

Class-Charts advert logoA ‘War Board’ is a Work-Action-Result board which displays which of your students are currently below, behind or on track of their target grades. Also known as War Rooms, War Walls and Data Rooms, ‘War Boards’ are becoming a must-have in schools to help staff and students understand better how they are doing.

Why not save the headache of number-crunching for your school and find an easy solution to do the work for you?

We only need to think back to 3 or 4 years ago when some school leaders first looked at the student data in this way. We would painfully print off all of the students’ photographs and grades; cut them out with scissors and then proceed to colour-code them according to above, below and on-track … and then stick them on display!

What is it?

So, what can ClassCharts.com do for you?

War Boards can be used to display students who fall into a core data category. For example, SEN, G&T or pupil premium which you can view at a glance. War Boards allow the user to track achievements depending on various filters you apply.

This allows all staff to contribute by giving them having access to their own accounts where they can view any boards made by any teacher. With computers and inspections a part of the modern era, schools are now more accountable for their students than ever before which has led schools having to use their data rather than just storing it.

War Boards are a solution to help manage this process for you.

Tailored Content:

War Boards will display information through a wall full of colour coded cards which is created either automatically or manually for a group of students. You choose whether that is a whole year group, a house or a single class.

You can decide what your War Boards display. Schools can customise the boards to suit their exact needs and specific information is displayed on one single page; easy for staff to create and focus on individuals for discussion during meetings without the need for wasting paper, sticky notes or time sticking pins into the walls.

The boards are highly visual and reduce the trawl through reams of paper and spreadsheets to highlight the data you need to know. They also update automatically and the software will provide an online ‘room’ where group decisions can be made which can shape which direction a school will take in trying to increase attainment levels.

Perfect in a landscape for Progress 8 measures?

How To Use:

  1. To create a War Board, the user will need to select the ‘Pupils’ tab. From here, the user must select the drop-down menu to select a class or subject; you can also filter for whatever information to appear in the table. Multiple filters can be selected e.g. English and Maths grades A, B, C etc.

    Class Charts War Boards

    2) The user will then be prompted to select a ‘war board type’.

    Arrange Walls:

    3) Select ‘Manually arrange a war-wall 3/4 groups). The user can arrange the pupils into any configuration and can rename any of the groups by clicking the ‘pencil icon’.

    Class Charts War Boards

    Compare Grades:

    4) ‘Compare two grades’ allows the user to compare any two assessment fields chosen to display.

    5) ‘Compare grade with a grade boundary’ allows the user to compare any assessment field with any boundary preset set up within school.

    It’s so easy to use!

    Class Charts War Boards

    6. You can then load any boards previously created and save them on the user profile.


Here is a brief video demonstration from me, talking the reader through the website.


Another great feature on Class Charts, is that there is a whole host of reporting available across the school. You can even configure the system to send email alerts when specific behaviour events occur.

It’s really easy for teachers to use and at the same time, a powerful tool for schools. The fact that schools are using this software all around the world, is testament to this.

Classcharts.com is worth a look; just get in touch by clicking here.

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