Feedback From The Profession

Ross McGill has worked hundreds of organisations and tens of thousands of teachers across the world.

Tiffin Girls' School

Your knowledge of the science of learning and your expertise in this field are very impressive, and the content you shared was practical.  Thank you for inspiring us! Staff thoroughly enjoyed the session, and appreciated the effort you put into preparing and delivering it. We would LOVE to see you again!

Avanti Institute Schools Trust

Avanti Institute Schools Trust

Executive Headteacher, South Gloucestershire

Executive Headteacher, South Gloucestershire

Ross McGill Teacher Training

A superb PD morning with Ross today on the science of memory. An artful blend of teacher specific research, practical approaches to improving long term memory & just the right amount of silliness for a Friday at the end of November. He held 400 teachers captivated!

Martyn Reah headteacher

Ross provided a decade of CPD in 1/2 day!

Sara Scott Deputy Headteacher Joseph Cash, Coventry

Martyn Reah, head teacher, The Hayling College

In the current climate of uncertainty, through thought-provoking conversations, Ross provides the calm within the storm. He creates a safe platform upon which to question, challenge and create opportunities to enhance teaching and learning.

Theresa Moses, headteacher, Paxton Primary Academy, London

Theresa Moses, head teacher, Paxton Primary Academy, London

You’ve left the staff with a real feel-good buzz – just what we need in the final few weeks of a busy half term!

Mitchell Allsopp, Deputy Headteacher, Staffordshire University Academy

Mitchell Allsopp, deputy head teacher, Staffordshire University Academy

A regular quote from staff was, "He talked sense, didn't he?"

Daryl John, senior deputy head teacher, Milford Haven School

Daryl John, senior deputy head teacher, Milford Haven School

Ross has redefined our thinking in terms of teaching excellence.  From organisational strategy to classroom tactics, his ‘Mark, Plan, Teach’ methodology has proved to be an superb vehicle for understanding academic theories and practical teaching principles...  His slick and engaging [training], combined with the high quality Teacher Toolkit website, have proved to be a perfect, complementary blend on which to reassess our own culture.

Lt Col Rich Hall MBE

Lt Col Rich Hall MBE, Commanding Officer, Army Foundation College, Ministry of Defence.

The best INSET rarely does one size fits all but Ross breaks the mould

Alastair Armstrong, assistant headteacher Fettes College, Edinburgh

Alastair Armstrong, assistant headteacher Fettes College, Edinburgh

As ever, Ross has his finger on the pulse of global education. Up-to-date, challenging, entertaining and inspiring. This is why we keep coming back for more!

Ben Turner, headteacher, Akrotiri Primary School, Cyprus

Rooted in real-life situations and instead of adding to workload, the focus is truly on working more effectively to have a greater impact on the progress of the pupils.

Tor Del Federico, deputy headteacher, College Alpin Beau Soleil, Switzerland

Tor Del Federico, Deputy Headteacher, College Alpin Beau Soleil, Switzerland

Humorous, insightful and full of common sense. He truly was an inspirational speaker!

Dr. Tracey Jones, principal, Lord Grey Academy

It is a rarity to deliver CPD that can hook even the most ‘experienced’ of teachers, introduce new ideas, create a to-do-list as long as your arm and then show you how to do it all in 5 minutes, but Ross managed to do all of this in just a morning!

Kate Carr, deputy headteacher, Akeley Wood School

Kate Carr, Deputy Headteacher, Akeley Wood School

I sat in Ross’ training before Easter realising I wished I was back in the classroom and, just before half term, took the plunge and am going back as an English Teacher in September – having stopped as a deputy headteacher.

Ellie Thompson, Central Services Director for a school trust in SE England

Ross McGill

The school was ‘buzzing’ the next day; staff felt uplifted and were really keen to start putting ideas into practice!

Ms. Geraldine Higham, St. Edmund’s Catholic Academy

Coleg Cambria, Deeside

Dollis Primary School, Mill Hill

"Ross was absolutely amazing – engaging, knowledgeable and approachable! Staff benefitted enormously from rich discussions about the science of learning; they deconstructed how learning happens. Ross’s training was underpinned by sound academic research. It was interactive and relevant to all key stages at Dollis. I would highly recommend him to other head teachers!

Rosetta Dyer, head teacher, Dollis Primary School

Rosetta Dyer, head teacher, Dollis Primary School, Mill Hill, London.

Tom Campbell 2

Ross worked on high-quality pedagogy, top tips on reducing workload and challenging debate on education’s hot topics. Excellent value…

Tom Campbell, education director, Greenwood Academies Trust

Tom Campbell, Education Director, Greenwood Academies Trust, now CEO, EACT

Yet another amazing webinar! The feedback is always very positive and the sessions are always filled to the brim with interesting ideas for the classroom.

Barnsley College

Sarah Duncan, NASUWT, North West

CPD Feedback

Simple but very effective strategies; I particulary enjoyed the theory to help understand 'the why' behind how to do this ...


Barnsley College

Andi Rae, lecturer, Barnsley College

Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi

Our student teachers told me they learnt more with you in 4 hours than in 6 weeks of lectures!

Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi

Cilla Bramley, assistant head teacher, Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi.

Practical, energising and a genuine champion of the craft of teaching. There are ideas, anecdotes and a seemingly endless number of suggestions. The research is there to provoke and push us all forward.

Stuart Worden, principal, The BRIT School

It was fantastic to welcome a former Fleetwood High student back. I am only sorry our students were not here to see what a positive role model you have become

Nigel Whittle, Head of School Improvement, Fleetwood High School

Nigel Whittle, Head of School Improvement, Fleetwood High School

You really are an inspiration for teachers and the profession has a brighter future with you in it.

Rebecca Catmur-Oxtoby, Oakgrove School

Working with you was a wonderful experience for us all at the school. I have had so many positive comments from staff. So rich in theory, research and practical ideas!

Jens Niedzwiedzki, SHAPE International (British) School, Belgium

Jens Niedzwiedzki, SHAPE International (British) School, Belgium

It was excellent. [Our staff] and myself have been using your online materials for a number years and you are as engaging in person (or at least on Zoom) as your materials are online!

Martin Thomas, T&L lead, The College Merthyr Tydfil

It was everything we wanted from the session and more. Ross created an atmosphere where staff could be open and honest about their concerns…

Chris Dyson, Headteacher, Parklands Primary School

Fantastic keynote from Ross for our wellbeing inset day, thought-provoking, insightful and has enabled us all to think about ways to support our own wellbeing.

Justine Rumsey, assistant headteacher, Chellaston Academy

As with everything in life, you get what you pay for!

Mrs. Kate Owbridge, Executive headteacher, Ashdown Primary School

Thought-provoking and challenging.

Jo Pridding, Assistant Headteacher, All Hallows Catholic College

The resources and ideas provided by Ross have improved my skills as a teacher and as an education leader, enhancing my educational knowledge and professional skills.

Lee Mortiboys, Tanglin Trust School

Dollis Primary, Mill Hill, London

Joseph Cash, Coventry

We were truly inspired by Ross!

Sara Scott Deputy Headteacher Joseph Cash, Coventry

Sara Scott, deputy head teacher, Joseph Cash, Coventry

Ross Newman Teacher Training feedback

We had the the privilege to watch Ross give a masterclass in PD. Developing 250 teachers’ knowledge about how memory works; just brilliant!

Ross Newman, Executive Headteacher

Ross Newman, Executive Headteacher, Gloucestershire

Utterly fantastic!

Aidan Brennan, deputy head teacher, Trinity School, Nottingham.

Emma Bryson Large Team

I was immediately struck by Ross’ no-nonsense, practical advice and superb style of delivery … even my two deputies who been at the school for 30 years and retiring soon, were caught engrossed in his book the next day!

Emma Bryson, headteacher, King’s School, Gütersloh

Emma Bryson, Headteacher, King’s School, Gütersloh

The buzz Ross created was palpable, the confidence we gained as a team was profound; the session – which was thoroughly tailored to the needs of our school – was delivered in a supportive and stimulating manner. It really was a remarkable learning experience which I can’t recommend enough!

Cath Smith, headteacher, The John Roan School

Cath Smith, headteacher, The John Roan School

Thanks for everything you are pushing out - your site is such an incredibly useful source of info, inspiration and ideas!

Helen Macken, Head of Drama, Rainham Mark Grammar School

Ross has a very powerful way of cutting through the bureaucracy that can and very often does, take teachers under!

Alastair Armstrong, assistant headteacher Fettes College, Edinburgh

Kate Bradley, Head of Secondary, La Cote International School, Switzerland

Ross has a gift; the ability to synthesize complex ideas into digestible chunks with an affable manner...

Dr Michael Rousseau

Dr. Michael Rousell

Fantastic keynote and workshop delivery. Staff commented that this was some of the best CPD they have ever taken part; smart, concise, practical solutions to everyday classroom scenarios.

Lawrie Stewart

Lawrie Stewart, deputy headteacher, Blairgowrie High School

Such a lively and interesting, thought-provoking training day – and thank you for volunteering to do so!

Louise Reznikova

Louise Reznikova, Deputy Headteacher, The Windsor Boys’ School

Ross led a 3-hour session for a group of heads and senior leaders from 8 primary schools in Exeter. Ross gave us exactly what we asked for, leaving us with practical strategies that will improve all of our schools. A brilliant morning!

Mr. Roy Souter, Headteacher, Stoke Hill Juinor School

Ross emulates empathy and understanding of the pressures teachers are under. His toolkit is invaluable and each member of staff left the training session with practical takeaways which can be easily implemented.

Shirley Drummond, Headteacher, St Helen’s College, Hillingdon

Shirley Drummond, Headteacher, St Helen’s College, Hillingdon

Rooted in real-life situations and instead of adding to workload, the focus is truly on working more effectively to have a greater impact on the progress of the pupils.

Chris Fletcher

Chris Fletcher, head of teaching school, Blueprint Teaching Alliance