Managing Email Workload

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Hanna Beech

Hanna Beech has been teaching for ten years and has a range of experience across Key Stages 1 and 2 in a large Primary School in Kent. She is a phase leader for Years 3 and 4, and also leads on teaching and learning for...
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Are you drowning in emails?

You’re not alone! Emails come spilling into our accounts day and night, and frankly its too much! The trouble is, with each email comes something to think about and often we are tempted to respond there and then – or totally ignore it (neither being particularly good for us!).

Email management

There’s not much we can do about receiving emails, but we can try to manage them a little better.

  • Allocate times between which you will and will not check emails. For me, between 7pm and 7am are no checking or sending times.
  • Read your emails first thing in the morning or at a set time each day.
  • When you read an email that requires a response but you don’t have time to reply, amend it as ‘unread’ so you can come back to read and action later on.
  • Create folders. It takes a bit of time initially but is so worth it! You can then easily move emails the appropriate folder with ease (Respond this week, Respond by the end of term, Important, Information only emails, SPAM, From SLT etc).

Why is this a good strategy?

Keeping on top of emails is going to make your work life a lot easier!


Don’t use your work email for personal reasons and try not to sign up to websites who ask for your email address. These sites often send spam emails, which further clog up your inbox.

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