What would you do as the headteacher?
I have used the following scenarios from an ASCL training course I attended four years ago. The INSET focused on discrimination; employment law; appraisal and salary, following the Equality Act of 2010.
This is a short blog-series (Part 1/2) of various scenarios for Headteachers: What would you do? You can find part two and try the scenarios once you have completed this one.
To be used for professional development purposes.
Scenario 1
You are desperate for a teacher of GCSE Science at the
Comments from @mrsmathia
Comment: As I work in an Academy it makes the situations have clarity; Scenario 1 employ immediately
Scenario 2 wouldn’t offer the job to someone not ideal; we are in a triple dip recession
Scenario 3 just had this with an NQT; it was highly unusual but we let her go at Easter. If their heart isn’t in it pointless keeping them. I believe it isn’t how you start it is how you finish and have lost faith in a number of colleagues who have left loose ends when leaving..it is disgraceful.
Scenario 4; feel really strongly about this NO MONIES BOUND FOR T&L should be used for personal gain!!
Scenario 5;I teach last lesson on the last day of term; I expect all of my colleagues to do the same. The holidays are sufficient.
Scenario 6; if they are entitled to it then they cannot be used for cover. Although not in a union myself I agree with the need for a union and their allocated time within the working week.
Scenario 7; I would ensure the colleague had support and opportunities for coaching to regain effective classroom management techniques.
Phew!! Am going for a cuppa now. Thanks!
Comments from @4c3d
Comment: Common to all and short enough to fit on a postcard!
1) Listen and limit your comments and questions to those that will only further your understanding of the situation. There area always at least two sides!
2) Make no promises or decisions there and then about any action you will take. Commit only to maintaining communication and possibly a date/time by which you will reply.
3) Consult, both the Act and any professional body or organisation necessary to help determine a course of action or understand options and consequences.
4) If required consult or inform Governors
5) Decide what to do and stick to it.
6) Inform who ever of your decision and start procedures if necessary.